Calculator to Calculate Kwh

If you are wanting to calculate your home’s kWh usage you can use this kWh calculator below to calculate kWh. This calculator uses the same kWh formula found on Formula for kWh Calculator. You may also be interested in a kWh meter to monitor certain electrical devices in your home or even your entire home. You can use a whole home kWh meter to see if your electric company is billing you for the correct amount of kWh usage.
Cost/kWh This can be found on your electric bill. The average cost per kWh is $0.13, so you would enter 0.13
Device Name Watts Hours Used/Day

10 Responses to “Calculator to Calculate Kwh”

  1. Nawfad Says:

    great topic. thanks

  2. ebinum Says:

    good for electricity consumers

  3. palanisamy .b Says:

    i need w to unit formula

  4. Garret Manitzas Says:

    This really sucks, I needed the amount for only 6 hours of use not 1 freaking months worth much less 1 year. It’s a cool idea but is executed atrociously and what is this ugly font???????

  5. Go Green In Your Home Says:

    You can enter the device, watts, and 6 hours and take the total for the year and divide by 365.25 and you will get the 1 day usage for the 6 hours.

  6. Wendy Says:

    What a lifesaver. This help me calculate so many things-when it comes to my electricity.
    Understandable and it’s very easy to use

  7. Go Green In Your Home Says:

    Glad I could help, thanks for visiting, and remember to come back and read all of the great information to help you save money and the environment.

  8. Rob Says:

    My monthly use is 1690 kwh per month. What size battery bank will I need?

  9. Go Green In Your Home Says:

    This is hard to say without more data, need to know total usage, max current draw, generator size, type of generator, if and how long you want your battery bank to provide power if generator fails.

  10. eddie Says:

    The best energy use calculator I’ve found online. Simple and user-friendly. Been using it for years. A great resource for the energy-conscious consumer. Thank you.

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